Sunday 9 December 2012

Summing up of audience Feedback

Through my project I felt it was vital that I ensured my target market liked my products and suggested any improvements I could make because they are the people who are mostly likely going to buy my products and therefore must appeal to them. I asked a very small and specific group of people to tell me their opinions/any improvements they had on all three of my products and I collected the information summed it all up here so it can help me in answering Question 3 in my evaluation:

·    After watching the first draft of my music promo my target market suggested that it needs to have a wider variety of different locations as it can be seen as quite boring if it is all in the same location

·    They suggested that there should be more short takes to make it look professional as at the moment it doesn't flow like other music promos do. It all consists of very long takes.

·     They liked my digipak but said that I could include note from Taylor Swift to make it more personal in the digipak

·    The majority of my target market liked the image with her holding the guitar and not facing the camera as they said this was the most effective image as it was quite unusual to not be able to see the artist's face on the poster. This was quite risky but they said they really liked it

·    My target market liked the image of the front cover because she is looking directly at the camera and the audience can see all of her features clearly making them feel closer to her

·    They said it would work well if I had the same image on the back of my digipak and the posters

·    They thought it was important for more feminine fonts to be used on my digipak and poster

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