Monday 17 September 2012

Questionnaire Analysis

1. I chose to give my questionnaire to 20 people and 13 of them were female with 7 being male. I am going to target my music video at females because I feel I can relate to this audience more.

2. 17 out of the 20 people I surveyed were aged between 15- 18 so I will try and ensure that my music video will appeal to this age group. I also feel that I will know what music this age group enjoys as I am in this age bracket.

3. In this question I asked my audience what their favourite genre was and the majority of them said pop. I am glad with this result because pop is one of my favourite genres of music. Hip hop had 4 people say it was their favourite, R&B had 3 and country had 2 people. The other genres such as dubstep, rock,  indie, metal and alternative were the least popular so I won’t be making a music video in any of those genres.

4. Interestingly the majority chose pop again as their most interesting genre of music to watch in a video. 16 out of the 20 people I surveyed chose pop as their most interesting video. This is probably due to the upbeat and fast pace of the song making everything more exciting and interesting to watch. From the pop genre being so popular in my questionnaire I will take this genre mostly into account for my music video.

5. The following videos were quite popular within my questionnaire: Nicki Minaj starships, Taylor Swift you belong with me and katy perry last Friday night. The main reasons why  Nicki Minaj was popular is because they thought it was an unusual video because of the alien space ship and they said that they thought bright and vivid colours made the video more interesting and eye catching. They thought that Nicki Minaj’s hair was unique and therefore made them focus more on her because she is different from any other artist. This obviously promotes Nicki Minaj as she ‘stands out from the crowd’ and the audience will be more likely to remember her. My audience said that Taylor Swift and Katy Perry’s song were the videos they most enjoyed watching because there was a story to follow. By having a narrative video the audience are less likely to switch off halfway through the video because they want to know what happens at the end of the video whereas performance based videos  often have a choreographed dance routine which gets repeated throughout which can get slightly boring.

6.  Some people in my questionnaire said that they would like Taylor Swift ‘Stay beautiful’ to have a music video. By looking at this result I will look into doing a Taylor Swift song for my music video. A few people in my survey also said they would like ‘Automatic’ by Nicki Minaj to have a music video. I may think about doing a Nicki Minaj however I think Nicki Minaj will be a hard video for two reasons: I would have to get someone to dance and sing at the same time which is hard to do and it has raping parts of the song which would make it difficult to ensure the lip syncing is matched up perfectly.

7.  Most of the people who I have surveyed have said they mostly enjoy watching narrative music videos. The main reason for this is probably because it takes the audience on a journey and makes the audience not want to change channel because they want to know what happens in the ending of the music video. My opinion is that performance videos are good if the artist is well known and well liked because if they are liked then the audience is more likely to continue watching them and not get bored. Concept videos are interesting purely because they are so odd and unique. However not everybody enjoys concept videos as this is reflected in my survey.

8. In this question I asked where my audience mostly watch music videos. Both YouTube and music channels were equally as popular. This is probably due to how easy it is to watch music on TV and how easy it is to find whatever song you want to listen to on YouTube. I would have expected these two formats to be the most popular however I thought YouTube would have been slightly more popular because the audience can choose whatever song they want to listen to and avoid having to wait for the song on a music channel.

9. In this question I ensured that I included a wide range of music channels with different genres so that it would be appropriate for everyone involved in my questionnaire. The Box and Kiss were the most popular and these channels are pop orientated so therefore will look into making this type of genre for my music video as it was proved the most popular.

10. From question 10 I can see that the artist is a very important if not the most important factor within the music video. 11 out of 20 people said that the artist was the main influence to make them watch specific music videos, therefore if the artist is well known the audience are more likely to want to watch their videos. In my video I will ensure that the artist is portrayed well in order to promote them.

11. I wanted to include a question to help me with my ancillary task. I asked my participants what colours would most make them buy a digipak. Most of them said that a mixture of both bright and pastel colours would attract them. This is probably so the album doesn't look too overpowering with all the vibrant colours- but still has enough to draw attention to the album. The pastel colours will help tone down the album so it doesn't take the attention away from the artist.

12. From this graph I can see that a close up is the most popular choice. I expected this result because close ups are mostly used for album covers because it is the most sucessful shot in order to promote the artist. The audience is able to connect more with a close up shot because they can see the emotion on the artists face and therefore empathise with them.

13. I asked this question because I felt I needed some information about what to include in my digipak. It is clear from this question that the lyrics are a popular option for the inside of the cover. However my participants also liked the idea of having more photos of the artist inside so I may think about including more photos inside, in order to promote them even more.

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