Monday 17 September 2012

RMA Digipaks and Promotional advert

Kelly Rowland- 'Here I am'- Digipak

This digipak has a blue effect on the front  and back cover of the album. This effect gives a ‘cool’ and mysterious feel to the album because it isn’t the usual effect used for an album cover. The effect makes the album look sophisticated possibly to reflect Kelly Rowland herself but also looks distinctive so that it stands out from other albums because it challenges the usual codes and conventions of a digipak. The disc is much different from the front and back cover because it hasn’t got the blue effect on. Instead there is a brown effect used almost like a sepia effect.
All 3 parts of the digipak include an image of Kelly Rowland to show that she is the main focus of the album and she is the main thing trying to be promoted.
The close up of the artists face shows her expression and makes the audience feel more connected with her because they feel closer to her. The eyes are looking directly at the audience to again make a personal connection to the audience and make them feel like she is looking at only them and no one else. The artist’s lips are slightly open similar to Rihanna on her album. This slight open lips could provide a sexual appeal . The artist’s cheek has water droplets on perhaps to link to the blue effect and water.
Unlike the front of the digipak, the back of the album has no image of the artist’s face- instead a medium close up from her waist up of is used. The artist is topless which defiantly provides a sexual appeal because she is known to be an attractive woman. The blue theme is continued with the thin white writing for the track listing. This font is fairly unclear on the blue background because it’s showing that Kelly Rowland is the focus- not the songs.

Katy Perry- 'Teenage Dream'- Digipak

This digipak is much more brightly coloured than the other albums I have analysed. The main colours used are light blue and light pink. The whole digipak has the theme of pink fluffy clouds, blue sky and sweets.  These light colours are possibly used to show that the genre of music is pop rather than heavy rock where mostly blacks would be used. The pink fluffy clouds could resemble candyfloss to fit in with the sweets theme but also clouds link with dreams which therefore connects it to the title of the album ‘Teenage Dream’. One of the discs is made like a doughnut and the other like a lollipop.

The front cover has an image of Katy Perry lying amongst this soft fluffy looking cloud, maybe trying to represent her as being an innocent person. A long shot is used in order to fit her whole body in. Katy Perry is wearing no clothes and she is just relying on the cloud to cover her up. This adds sex appeal to the artist and shows off her figure. Her dark hair contrasts with the light pink cloud to make her the most important item on the front cover. The swirly font used for ‘Katy Perry’ looks like strawberry sauce which again fits into the sweets theme of the digipak. The ‘Teenage dream’ font is different to the font used for the artists name but still has the same theme running through but this time it looks like the pattern of a candy cane or lollipop.
In the centre of the digipak there is a large close up of the artist on the left side which takes up the whole left side of the cover. This is in order to promote the artist as she looks pretty and innocent in the expression she has.

The back of the album cover has the pink fluffy cloud theme on to link with the front cover to ensure that the audience know that it is from the same album. The font is all in upper case and in a dark pink to stand out from the light pink background. The ‘o’s’ on the back of the album cover are all smaller versions of the candy cane patterned disc to show continuity of the sweets theme.

This promotional advert shows Rita Ora in a medium close up rather than the typical close up’s used on album covers. Her pose looks directly at the audience to make it more personal to them. The colours used on the advert are black, white, grey and red. These colours seem popular amongst female album covers and adverts perhaps because they are the most effective and because all of the female artists have an attractive and seductive side to them, therefore red is used.
The artist is wearing a plain white top so that the focus isn’t taken away from her face and the name of the song that it is advertising. The masculine black hat shows that she is a strong women and isn’t afraid of being different from the stereotypical female.
The background of a grey brick wall may resemble Rita Ora’s background and how she has worked her way up from being on the streets to being a famous artist.
The font of ‘How we do’ is different from ‘Rita ora’. The font for how we do is larger and bolder to emphasise that this is the main purpose for the promotional advert- in order to promote the name of the song. The ‘Rita Ora’ font is in a less clear, smaller ‘Aztec’ font because the audience already know that it is Rita Ora from just looking at the image. The red font of ‘Rita Ora’ and ‘Party’ links with the red lips to connect the image with the writing.

This promotional advert for Rihanna’s album ‘Loud’ has the main colour of red. The faded red border links with Rihanna’s bright red hair therefore making the advert all about Rihanna, emphasising that she is the main focus of this advert. The red has connotations of romance and adds sex appeal to the artist
The white font used is very clear and upper case letters are used to catch the audience’s attention even more and to show that it is important information.
Two images are used on this promotional advert. One image is a medium close up with her not looking at the camera and the other image is a close up used for the album cover, again not looking directly at the camera. This challenges the codes and conventions of typical images of artists on album covers because they usually look directly at the audience to make it more personal.

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