Thursday 27 September 2012

Reasons for song choice

A place in this world- Taylor Swift
I chose to do a pop song for my music video because I enjoy listening to pop and therefore felt I would be able to relate to it and enjoy completing the task if I liked the music. I also like pop because it has quite an upbeat pace rather than a very slow pace. However the pace of the song was a major factor in helping me decide on what song to use because I wanted to do a fairly slow song rather than a very fast dance music. I wanted to do a slower song because I want to create a narrative music video and ensure the lyrics fit with the visuals. I felt this could be achieved if I had a slower pace song because I won’t have to worry about fitting dancing in with the beat of the song- I can just create a story.
This song has many actions which I can pick out, for example walking down the road when it’s raining, blue jeans and the radio. This means I can link the visuals with the lyrics to ensure it is a successful narrative video.

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