Monday 5 November 2012

Magazine Advert Drafts

Reflection on drafts:  On the first 3 drafts here, I like the image because I think it is unique. I wanted to put the font at the bottom as some black and white so it didn't look too overwhelming however the black font at the bottom was too unclear so I changed it all to white. The italic fonts fit well with the swirly font for Taylor Swift, providing a flow throughout the poster. I then decided to change the image on the fourth draft of her standing in the middle of the road with trees either side of her. I feel this image is a strong image and therefore emphasises her as a strong woman. I have chosen to develop the poster with her standing holding the guitar in the air and her not facing the camera for my final.


  1. I really like all of these designs. I think the picutres you have used are really good as they help to promote the artist. The information that you have included informs the reader but doesnt dominate the page still making it eye-catching and standout. I think my favourite design is the one that has been uploaded most recently as it promtes her style of music and her as an artist as its fun and exciting, in the way she is posed. The colours used work well together and standout from the main image. I like the fact the style matches the digi pack design as this links them together and clearly shows the audiance that this song is featured in the album. Very good!!!:)

  2. Kasey's comment (17 year old female): I really like all of the posters presented, however my favourite is the first because although you can see the artist you can't see her face which I think is very effective. All of the posters are very lovely but they could be improved by using more femine fonts because it is too advertise a female artist.

  3. I like all five of these designs, however my favourite is the second one down, this is mainly because the image is very eye catching - this is due to the fact the artist is holding the guitar up and I think this draws the audience in, making them want to listen to the songs because of the dramatic impression the image gives. The text gives the audience all the information they need and everything a tour poster needs to say. There is a missing speech mark after the text 'enchanting and exhilirating', I also think the word 'sun' should have a capital S. Apart from this I think this poster works very well.
