Monday 12 November 2012

Second draft filming

I am going to film some more footage on Tuesday 20th November because I need some footage without my artist singing in some parts so that it is easier to speed up and slow down, and so that I can insert these into my video to shows flashbacks and shorter takes, because at the moment, it is all quite long takes with her standing there singing. I also need to film her singing with some more close ups so that it promotes her more as I haven't got many close ups at the moment. While she is not singing I may have her sitting down looking across a lake to show that she is thinking and reflecting. I may also have her sitting down and singing while she sings the chorus to have more of a calm and tranquil feel. However I am worried that the medium pace of the chorus is too fast to have her just sitting down but I will film it to see how it looks.

For the first first were it says 'I don't know what's down this road, I'm just walking' I currently have her standing still while singing but I think it may be better if I have her walking whilst she is singing this verse because it fits with the lyrics better. I will see which looks better and implement the best footage into my promo. I am thinking of having the artist in a few different locations and outfits not singing, so that half of the chorus is sung while leaning against a tree for example and could pan around her, and the other half she is not singing in and she in another location such as a cafe or at home on her own making a coffee, or in her bedroom looking out her window to show that she is on her own. I definatley need to incorporate more short takes because all my takes are very long and make the video look slightly dull and boring.

To do list:
  • Re- film first 17 seconds due to the jogging. Begin with close- up and then zoom out 9 seconds into the song. Also shoot footage of close up then begin walking instead of standing still.
  • 30 seconds in: Begin to film in the cafe with her sitting down drinking a cup of coffee on her own. Try and get no one around her to show her feeling isolated and on her own. NOT SINGING IN THIS PART
  • 33 seconds in: Flicks back to the 'present' where she will be standing against the tree- close up. May pan around her if it looks good but will also film a still one to see which looks the best.
  • 2:06: 'Oh I'll be strong'- Close up against the tree
  • 2:16: 'Oh I'm alone'- Flicks back to coffee shop
  • 2:24: ends with the close up like the beginning to show the journey has come to and end and nothing has changed.
  • Film any extra parts with he not singing incase I need to show flashbacks: e.g. sitting down looking out onto a lake, walking across a bridge, throwing pebbles into the lake, trying on clothes on her own etc.

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