Wednesday 28 November 2012

Deadline reflection

I stuck to all my deadlines for each stage of the project including: research, planning, first draft construction, second draft construction and final construction. However looking at my calender I planned to do particular tasks on specifc days, and I did not stick to this schedule completley because I realised some areas needed to be done instead of others. For example I was planning to do a whole week of working on my ancillary task, but I realised I also had to work on editing my promo and not just my ancillary in order to meet my deadline. I felt the system of balancing out music promo and ancillary weekly worked really well and aided me to meet my deadlines and keep up to date with the work load.

Some of the deadlines from the calendar altered slightly, but not matter what day it got moved to I made sure I was organised and did all the work to meet them. Overall I felt I was very good at time keeping and I kept a constant pace which worked for me, through the entire project. I am pleased with myself that I met every deadline because missing one deadline means it would affect whether you meet the next deadline, which is why I found it so important to do the work.

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