Monday 22 October 2012

First draft filming reflection

Unfortunatley I did not begin filming on the 16th October due to my main actor not being available. Instead I re-scheduled to film on Friday the 19th October. Due to nearly all of the video being set outside, I could not film on this day due to the weather conditions. I filmed what I could inside but could not complete all of the filming. This issue was frustrating because I knew I had to meet my deadline on Thursday 25th October. After these problems I ensured that I made a time where both me and my actor are available. Monday 22nd October I filmed the rest of my music video. I made sure that I filmed each particular part 5- 10 times so that I would have enough footage to choose the best from. It was also good to do this, incase my actor made a slight mistake which I wouldn't of picked up on from just watching her. I can then use the other footage without these mistakes.

Whilst filming the inside part of my music video, I felt it went successful. I found a suitable location where my actor was sitting on the window sill with a large window in the background which is what I wanted. The only factor which was less successful was that the camera had a slight tilt to it which made it hard to get it straight. I tried to hold it so that it was straight, however did not want it to jog due to me touching it.

After this, filming in the woods was again very successful. For the first part of the video where I said there would be a close up of the actor singing, I found that it worked better if I started off with the close up then zoomed out so that the audience could see the road that she was walking down, in order to link with the lyrics in this first verse. For the chorus, I felt that it would work better if I had a slightly different area of the woods and got my actor to do something different than she would in the rest of the song. I used the pathway with the wooded area on each side and got her to walk down the pathway towards the camera until she reached a medium close up position. I felt this distance shot would work well as it differs from the other parts of the video which is good because it is the chorus. For the instrumental parts of the song I have chosen to film my actor playing a guitar because it fits with the instrumental tune in the song and also goes with the country- pop theme which I am trying to achieve. On my storyboard I said there would be a part set by a lake. I didn't change this, but I did change the camera angle because I felt it looked better. Instead of a medium close up used with the lake in the background, I used a long shot with the actor walking towards the lake whilst looking at the camera and then looking out at the lake with her back to the camera. I felt this was very effective due to her raising her arm for the bit where she sings 'fly'.

Overall I felt that the filming for my first draft went very successful. The main aim which I wanted is to link visuals with the lyrics, which I felt I achieved in this draft. I also wanted to ensure that the lip syncing was in time and that it looked profession (e.g. no smiling or laughing during filming.) I feel that all of my aims have been achieved and am very pleased with how this filming process has gone.

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