Thursday 11 October 2012

How research and planning has helped my construction

How will research inform my planning?

The research stage of my project was very useful in helping me reach the planning stage due to the feedback I got from my target market. My questionnaire helped me to see what music videos and genres of music my participants most enjoyed. Without this information it would have been hard for me to estimate what genre to choose for my music video. By analysing already existing RMA’s it helped me to identify what features are used for digipaks and within music videos. It helped me to see what was successful within the music videos such as the close ups to show emotion and wide angle shots to show the mise en scene. Analysing the editing techniques used made me understand how editing works in a music video and made me realise how much better the videos look with editing techniques such as fades to black. By interviewing my target market it gave me a more focused answer to what location and camera shots I should use for the front of my album cover and for the music video. The woods/lake location was quite a popular choice so therefore I am going to take this location idea forward.

How will planning inform my construction?

The planning stage has helped me get to the construction stage because it has allowed me to explore and test many different colours and locations to be used and see which I most like. Firstly, the analysis of the song lyrics helped me to establish what kind of visuals I could have to link with the lyrics however some of these ideas changed after developing my storyboard. The storyboard was very useful because I listened to the song and lyrics many times and thought very hard about what actions I could use for each part of the song. The storyboard helped me to work out the timings of how long each frame is going to be. By making a video of my storyboard it helped me to actually see what the timings would be like. The mindmap of my song choices it helped me express my opinions on each song idea and explain why they may or may not be appropriate for my music video. I also made various layouts for my digipak task to identify which my favourite layout was and which one I thought would be the most successful in promoting the artist. I took photos of various different locations to show what kind of places I am looking at to film in.

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