Monday 15 October 2012

Magazine Advert Drafts

Draft 1: This is my first draft of my poster and I feel it is quite successful. My favourite feature is the slightly edited background which makes it look 'vintage' and has a warm feel to it. The font of 'Taylor Swift' and 'A place in this world' is a soft/script font but is still modern looking. I feel this style goes with the theme I am trying to show in my music promo and ancillary task. I have chosen to only do two quotes at the bottom of the page because it looked to crammed if I had 3 quotes. The font for the date is in a slightly bolder and larger font than the rest of the text to emphasise one of the most important parts of the poster. Overall I feel this is a succesfull first draft but my only worry would be that it may not be promoting the artist as well as it could as I have not used an image of her. However I feel it still is a successful poster without the artist but I will do other drafts with the artist involved so I can see which I prefer.

Target market response: 'I love the edited style of the image because I think that it fits in well with the country- pop genre. The font used for Taylor Swift fits in perfectly with the theme which you are trying to achieve. I like how you have used different fonts for different parts of the poster. I would like to see an image of the artist on the poster though so that the audience can see straight away from glancing at the poster, who it is about.

Draft 2: This is the same as my first draft apart from the date which is different. I like both styles of the release date which is why I have uploaded both drafts for it.

Target market response: I feel having the date in numbers rather than written out, is more clear. However I feel that it looks like a film date rather than a release of a music video date.

Draft 3:  The long shot of the artist lookig directly at the camera promotes the artist well as the audience can see who it is straight away from just glancing at the poster. The fact that she is looking directly at the camera makes it more personalised to the audience. I decided to put the artists name in a different font than the album name to make it stand out. The rusty red/brown colour for the title fits in with the autumnal style of the background, however I feel the date is slightly unclear in this colour so may think about changing the colour if I decide to develop this draft further.

Target Market response: The best thing about this draft is the image. I like how she is quite close up but can still see her whole body and that she is directly looking at the camera. However I don't like the layout of all the endorsements  because it looks a bit confusing and unclear. I think it would b better for you to line them up and put them under one another.

Draft 4: In this draft, I wanted to pick out a bright colour which would make the poster stand out more. I chose a plum colour because it isn't too bright and still fits in with the autumn- wintery theme to the poster. I don't think the quotes are placed very well around the image, although I do like the image itself because the long road with trees either side emphasise the lyrics of the song 'I'm alone.'

Target market response: I like the photo of the long road however I feel the colour of the writing doesn't really go with the rest of the poster. Also the artist isn't centered within the middle of the poster. However I like the large date in numbers rather than written out fully because I feel it draws more attention to the poster because it is more punchy. Overall the image is successful but the text is not integrated very well with the image.

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