Thursday 4 October 2012


I decided to make a moodboard of all the different images which I liked. The main reason I created this was because I was looking majorly at the style of the images. Within this moodboard I chose to look at 3 different styles which I liked. The first style is the vintage/retro style photography (on the left side of the board) which has pale pastel colours which could symbolise innocence The vintage photography also uses the fading effect for the background with the actual item within the image being very clear. I feel this vintage style would suit my song well because the tune is fairly slow and my actress is going to look very feminene (long hair, make up) The vintage style is feminene and girly much like my song choice. I also decided to look at bright and vibrant images due to my song choice being pop genre I feel the bright colours would go well in the video. However I'm not sure if I will use the bright colours because I don't want to make the video look too young because my primary target market age is older teenagers (15- 17 year olds). Finally the last style I looked at was selective coloured photography where the images are black and white with one specific item being in a bright colour within the photo. I very much like this style because it looks very professional however I am not certain that I am going to use it because I don't know if it will definatley go with my song choice.

Overall I think I am most leaning towards the use of the vintage style images for my music video because this is the style I can imagine my actress and song to be like. Once I have chosen a style for the music video I have to ensure that my digipak has the same style so that it looks like it is from the same artist and the audience know straight away that the digipak goes with the song. The audience may also be able to associate the specific style with the artist in the future.

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